We posted finnish language recruitment post but atlasian seems removed it?
Please atlasian if you remove our corporate post we will send you factura of time spent to write and office work. If you remove corporation posts please add first atleast message why you will remove the thread.
There are a number of reasons a post might disappear from view in the Community, and almost all of them fall into "it looks like spam", or "it's a non-attributable advert".
Whatever your posting was about, I can say that writing it in Finnish was not the problem.
The community does not care what language you write in, only that you write things that are interesting (and, ideally, not spam)
The Community won't remove recruitment posts unless they look very spammy (lots of links to non-atlassian sites, over buzzwordy, not seen you post before, and so-on). Could you share your post in this coversation?
Yes it was a thread looking REACT and javascript developer and the link was pointing to our website for more info. If you call that spam...
The way most spam filters work is by scoring points on a wide range of things in a posting. New user who hasn't posted or engaged with others before, posting the same thing repeatedly, posting stuff that doesn't mention Atlassian, posting in the wrong category, and so on, all contribute to the score. Links to possibly unrelated sites scores very highly. The higher the score, the more likely that it will be filtered out.
But we don't know what the robots or community leaders (who can mark spam manually) might be thinking.
I think I've found your post at https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jobs-Careers-discussions/iware-oy-etsii-osaajia-JAVASCRIPT/m-p/1997176#M1160 and de-spammed it, as it doesn't look like spam at all.
Agree. I could not locate it. I think it was simply a mistake to remove.
That's one of the things the Community is for, in my opinion.
The main thing here is to connect with other people (on the premise that we're all using Atlassian stuff), and a close second is "help people with their problems or questions with Atlassian stuff".
Marketing is not really what the community is for, but it absolutely has a place in it - whilst "adverts" are not really welcome, "telling us about a new or updated thing that can help us with something" very much is. That's why I de-spammed your post, it's relevant and useful, not scatter-gun marketing.