how to transfer data entered from the keyboard by the user from velocity to java

Александр_Бузин February 26, 2019

Hi! I have a problem, I try to pass the field entered by the user through <input> to the java class, but when I try to do this, I get an error that this method is not defined, but if I remove the parameters from the java method, then it sees this method and works, connection with this question, how to transfer the values ​​from the input field to the java class Thanks for the future answers!

public class MyAction extends JiraWebActionSupport {

private Project project;
private static String name;
private static String test;

public String execute() throws Exception {
project = getSelectedProjectObject();

return super.execute();

public String doAdd() throws Exception {

return getRedirect("action.jspa");


public Project getProject() {
return project;

public static String getTest() {
return test;

public static void setTest(String test) {
MyAction.test = test;

public static String getName() {
return name;

public static void setName(String name) { = name;


<meta name="decorator" content="atl.admin"/>
<meta name="projectKey" content="$project.getKey()"/>
<meta name="projectId" content="$project.getId()"/>
<meta name="" content="my_item_link"/>
<meta name="" content="atl.jira.proj.config"/>
<form action="action!add.jspa">
<input type="text" name="test"/>
<input type="submit" value="OK"/>
#set($test = $name)


<atlassian-plugin key="${atlassian.plugin.key}" name="${}" plugins-version="2">
<vendor name="${}" url="${project.organization.url}" />
<param name="plugin-icon">images/pluginIcon.png</param>
<param name="plugin-logo">images/pluginLogo.png</param>

<webwork1 key="actions" name="MyActions">
<action name="com.atlassian.plugin.reportPlugin.action.MyAction" alias="action" roles-required="admin">
<view name="success">/myaction/success.vm</view>
<command name="doAdd" alias="add">
<view name="success">/myaction/success.vm</view>

<web-section key="my_section" name="MySection" i18n-name-key="" location="atl.jira.proj.config" weight="1000">
<description key="my-section.description">The mySection Plugin</description>
<label key="my-section.label"/>

<web-item key="my_item_link" name="MyTab" section="atl.jira.proj.config/my_section" i18n-name-key="" weight="1000">
<label key="MyLink" />
<link linkId="my_item_link">/secure/action.jspa</link>

<!-- add our i18n resource -->
<resource type="i18n" name="i18n" location="reportPlugin"/>

<!-- add our web resources -->
<web-resource key="my-resources">

<web-resource key="reportPlugin-resources" name="reportPlugin Web Resources">

<resource type="download" name="reportPlugin.css" location="/css/reportPlugin.css"/>
<resource type="download" name="reportPlugin.js" location="/js/reportPlugin.js"/>
<resource type="download" name="images/" location="/images"/>




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