Update Linked issues by automation rule

Hoa Nguyenthi April 7, 2022

How to set automation rule to after created ticket, the system field - Linked issues will be copied from custom field?

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Piotr Zadrożny _Eyzee_
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April 7, 2022

Hi @Hoa Nguyenthi 

I am not sure if I understand you correctly. If you would like to copy a custom field (Brand in my example) from a newly cerated issue to all linked issues you can use the following rule:


If you mean something else please provide more details.


Best regards,


Hoa Nguyenthi April 7, 2022

Hi @Piotr Zadrożny _Eyzee_  I tried with your suggestion but it did not work. The Linked issues field still not is copied the link in the field "Linked issue (if any)"Screenshot (84).png

Piotr Zadrożny _Eyzee_
Community Leader
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April 7, 2022

Hi @Hoa Nguyenthi 

I do not understand what you need to accomplish. It seems that you would like to link the newly created issue to some predefined ones? If so you shouldn't copy/modify the Linked issues field and just use the "Link issue" action. 

Please explain step by step what you would like this rule to automate. It would be also great if you could provide an example? 

Best regards,


Hoa Nguyenthi April 8, 2022

@Piotr Zadrożny _Eyzee_ 

step 1: user input an URL link to custom field "Linked issue (if any)" from form on portal

step 2: submit form

step 3: set automation to copy URL link from custom field "Linked issue (if any)" to sytem field Linked Issues in Jira as attached

for example the URL link in custom field "Linked issue (if any)"

Screenshot (86).png

will be copied to sytem field Linked Issues below after ticket is created

Screenshot (85).png

Piotr Zadrożny _Eyzee_
Community Leader
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April 8, 2022

Now I get it :)

You can use following rule:


In action component just paste this smart value:

{{issue.Linked issue (if any).remove("https://quoine.atlassian.net/browse/")}}


Best regards,


Hoa Nguyenthi April 8, 2022

@Piotr Zadrożny _Eyzee_ Thanks so much for resolution, it works now :)

Piotr Zadrożny _Eyzee_
Community Leader
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April 8, 2022

@Hoa Nguyenthi I'm glad it solves your problem.

Can you please mark this answer accepted to help other users find it.

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