Tracking individual Velocity

Kevin Steen October 28, 2021

Capacity, Velocity, Story Points, remaining hours, a bit of a pandoras box here ... but I wanted to see if anyone within the community had determined a way to track individual velocity (I understand that scrum teams use team velocity but I don't work on a pure scrum team and I don't know many other that do either)?

My hope here is  how to best determine a team velocity based on whether a  devs/QA is available for a given sprint (the team members fluctuate often). This is not a question about scrum best practice, just Jira how-to.


Here is what i am currently doing ... any suggestions?

Process: Once in a sprint, STOIRES do not change assignees, 1 stroy = 1 assignee. And the same goes for subtasks, 1 subtask = 1 assignee. Dev, QA, and UAT are handled through subtasks on a given story.


Boards / Filters:

  • Team Related metrics
    • 1 filter/board I use for Story Points which are recorded on Stories 
      • This produces a burndown for team story points
    • 1 filter/board I use for Hours burndown which are recorded on subtasks
      • This produces a burndown for remaining hours / hours spent
  • Individual metrics
    • 1 filters per assignee within the active sprint
      • 1 Board created for each filter to be able to use this Board in a Dashboard for a burndown chart
      • This board i can change to provide me either the hours or story points burndown for each Dev


The goal here is to track progress within a sprint as well as determine an individuals velocity. The next sprint may not consist of all the same developers and this individual velocity combined with overall team capacity helps determine what is or isn’t enough work for the team.

2 answers

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Mehmet A _Bloompeak_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
October 26, 2023

Hi @Rahul,

You can try Reports - Charts and Graphs for Jira Dashboard app developed by our team to create various reports, charts and graphs for your Jira projects.

  • You can create custom, flexible and colorful bar charts and table views for any data you want/need. As data source, you can choose Projects or Saved Filters or Advanced (JQL).
  • You can set X axis to be any parameter like Created(month), Assignee, Sprint, Fix Versions etc.
  • You can set Y axis to be any parameter like number of issues, sum of remaining estimates, average of story points etc.
  • You can group your data on any field(Sprint, Status, Assignee, Component, Project etc.) you want.
  • You can choose various date ranges like All Time, Last Year, Last 3 Months, Last 6 Months etc.
  • You can modify existing Segments or add new segments.
  • You can order the results by drag and drop.

Here is our live demo dashboard where you can see and modify sample reports and play with them. For more detail, you can have a look at Reports - Charts and Graphs for Jira How to Videos and How to Create Custom and Flexible Reports, Charts and Graphs in Jira article.

If you are looking for a completely free solution, you can try the limited version Reports - Charts and Graphs for Jira Dashboard Free.

Hope it helps.

0 votes
Fabian Lim
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 28, 2021

Hi @Kevin Steen

The best solution for these type of customized solutions is to use eazyBI.  Here is a sample where I picked up an assignee to see how he performas across different projects. 


Here is a link where you can play with other options:


Rahul October 25, 2023

Hi Fabian, Would you have recommendations for any free plug-ins which are somewhat closer to this level of reporting?

Fabian Lim
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
November 2, 2023

Hi @Rahul

Unfortunately, most of the good reporting plugins are paid.  

Good Luck.

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