Scrum Board - Removing Issue from Board after the Sprint has Started

Cinthy Janse August 22, 2017

Could you clarify the behaviour of issues being removed from an active sprint? For example, an issue is added to an active sprint, whether at the onset/after it has started. If the issue is later removed (before the sprint ended), I have seen the following behaviors:

1) if worked had been done and logged, when issue is removed, it will just subtract the remaining time from the total (which I was expecting)

2) if worked had been done and logged, when issue is removed, it will subtract the work done and  subtract the remaining time from the total (this was not a behavior I was expecting).


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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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June 26, 2024

Hi @Cinthy Janse ,

removing a ticket from an ongoing sprint means that a scope change has been performed. In terms of burdown chart all planned effort (story points/time) should be removed from the sprint scope indipendently if part of that work has been done or not. Isn't it?


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