Remaining Estimate overshoots when edit LogWork

Ulisses Costa May 24, 2022


If a user that logged too much time (and Remaining Estimate - RE - goes to 0) edits the logged time and reduce it (maybe he over reported time), the RE goes to the time he logged first time minus the time he adjusted to.



Imagine I have a task that RE is 2h, just like the picture below:


When the user logs 2d (instead of 2h), the result is this one (as expected):



Now the user realizes he logged too much time and he edits the LogWork entry from 2d (16h) to 2h, leaving the "Remaining Estimate" to "Adjust automatically", since he doe snot remembers how much time was actually in RE:




The result is this:Capture4.PNG


A simple mistake done by a user when logs the time changes the scope of a sprint. Even worse: if the user is logging time for a previous day or week, when the adjustment of RE is made a big bump is seen in the previous day and a decrease in the current day, as can be seen here:




Expected Behavior

When a user logs more time than it should and it edits (or deletes) that log entry and reduces the amount of time, when he selects the "adjust automatically RE", the RE shall be reduced and the maximum it shall be is the RE that according to the previous LogWork entry. If no other LogWork entry exists it shall goes to a maximum of the RE that was calculated in the beginning of the sprint.

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