Next gen multiple boards

LAL July 27, 2020

Are there any plans to add multiple boards to next gen projects?

Lack of multiple boards is pretty big step back and while next gen projects are otherwise usable, the clutter on the single board is awful and filters are just workarounds for a problem that didnt exist in classic projects.


Or maybe theres addon that adds ability to create multiple boards?

2 answers

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 25, 2020

@LAL Want to understand your request a little more here. If you had multiple boards today, what would you do with that feature? I.e., what types of boards would you create?

LAL August 25, 2020

Id split planning, implementation, defects/test results and verification/misc tasks into separate boards so that they are easily grouped together (same project) and that team members with multiple roles can see all relevant data without hopping between browser tabs or project sites.

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 25, 2020

@LAL Makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the quick follow up. The team is working really hard on "cross team" views in a Next-gen project. I can't promise multiple boards will be delivered by this year, but it is definitely on our list of priorities.

Out of curiosity -- how many teams do you have working on a single Next-gen project

LAL August 25, 2020

Good to know they are being worked on, we just decided to transition to holy trinity of Confluence, Jira and Bitbucket.

We have about 2-3 small teams currently, but id like to expand this to involve all applicable stakeholders.

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Ollie Guan
Community Leader
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July 27, 2020

Hi @LAL ,

You can add yourself as a Watcher to get updates and add your vote to help our product teams prioritize their work.

LAL July 27, 2020

Have any concrete decisions been made?

Im responsible for settings up confluence/jira/bitbucket system for our sw team, "maybe" and 2 year old issue with no updates arent really helpful.

LAL July 28, 2020
Ollie Guan
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 28, 2020

I'm not sure, there is no change from the status of the ticket.

BTW, interested in what's coming next? Please visit the public roadmap.

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