[Jira] Problem while trying to pre authenticate user

Mickael BRIDARD September 9, 2013


After having developed a plugin doing an OAuth2 authentication on Stash product, I wanted to adapt it to use it into Jira.

I have looked into the Javadoc and I think I have been able to find how to force the authentication as a user without entering the password but after executing login action the session is lost.

Here is my context:

I have a Filter which will start the OAuth2 protocol If the user access to /login.jsp page

<servlet-filter name="OAuth BeforeLogin Filter" key="jira-oauth-pre-filter"


                    location="before-login" weight="10">





In this filter, I start the protocol OAuth2, It means that I redirect the user to another server (the OAuth2 provider), then this server redirect the user on my callback URL:


At this moment, I am able to know the name of the user and I want to authenticate him in the application without entering the password.

Here is a part of my Callback.java file:

public class Callback extends HttpServlet


  private final PluginSettings pluginSettings;

  private final LoginUriProvider loginUriProvider;

  private final TemplateRenderer renderer;

  private final JiraAuthenticationContext authContext;

  private final GroupManager groupManager;

  private final UserUtil userUtil;

  public Callback(PluginSettingsFactory pluginSettingsFactory, LoginUriProvider loginUriProvider, TemplateRenderer renderer, JiraAuthenticationContext authContext, GroupManager groupManager, UserUtil userUtil)



  this.pluginSettings = pluginSettingsFactory.createGlobalSettings();  

  this.loginUriProvider = loginUriProvider;

  this.authContext = authContext;

  this.renderer = renderer;

  this.groupManager = groupManager;

  this.userUtil = userUtil;




public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException


	//This is the "end of OAuth protocol", this URL should be called with a code parameter

	if(request.getParameter("code") != null){

		//We have obtained an OAuth code from UPM

	     String code = request.getParameter("code");


		I do some stuff related to OAUth protocol and then finally I known the user name to be logged in as 

		oAuthRetrievedUser is a User Jira object







Just before the line response.sendRedirect, If I execute : authContext.getLoggedInUser(), I have the correct user, but after the redirection, the session seems to not be kept and the user is not logged.

Do you see something I am doing wrong?

Thanks for your help

1 answer

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Mickael BRIDARD September 10, 2013

After having looked to this plugin code:

I did managed to authenticate the user replacing:



//We authenticate the user
        		   final HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession();
                   httpSession.setAttribute(DefaultAuthenticator.LOGGED_IN_KEY, oAuthRetrievedUser);
                   httpSession.setAttribute(DefaultAuthenticator.LOGGED_OUT_KEY, null);

Could you tell me If this is the correct way to do it ?


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