Jira Gadget User Pref Save - error: no element found - preferences not saved.

Peter Csiba July 10, 2012

I have a Jira 5.0 gadget specified with javascript and implemented as stated in tutorial mostly copied from J-tricks. The configuration descriptor contains multiple select fields which values are filled with REST (shortened code):

config: {
  descriptor: function (args) {
  var gadget = this;
  return {
    fields: [
      userpref: "searchfield1",
      label: "abc",
      description: "def",
      type: "select",
      selected: gadget.getPref("searchfield1"),
      options: args.searchfields
args: [{
  key: "searchfields",
  ajaxOptions: function() {
    return {
      url: "/rest/eea-cf-search/1.0/gadget/searchfields"

The problem is when I save the preferences in the gadget. Browsers javascript console produces an "no element found" error. The preferences are stored, but just for ONE time. After refreshing the page I must configure it again (what is an unwanted scenario). When searching for it I just found an older Jira issue. When viewing the HTTP response upon saving the preferences I see:

Request URL: /jira/rest/dashboards/1.0/10100/gadget/10203/prefs
Request Method: POST
Status Code: HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Am I missing something?

1 answer

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Peter Csiba July 11, 2012

Okay, I forgot to add

<UserPref name="searchfield1" datatype="hidden" default_value="-1"/>

But the error message "no element found" is still there. Maybe it is related to missing data for the view (image included).

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