JQL to sum story estimates/time to Epic?

Kim P
February 15, 2021

My JQL skills are a bit limited but I'm needing to run a query/report that will sum ALL stories for an Epic of a project, where the Epic is "In Progress" status.  The report would need to show the current sum of ALL stories Original Estimates and Time spent.  We are using Tempo for time logging on issues and also have the ScriptRunner add on but no other reporting add ons.  Is there a way to get this data without the use of another paid add on?  Can anyone help me to write a query?  

Imagine something like the below.......

Project A

                             Forecast Hours(our custom field)      Original Estimate          Time Spent

Epic 1(has 3 stories)              45                                                 60                              25    

Epic 2(has 4 stories)              30                                                 35                               2

3 answers

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February 14, 2022

issue in childIssuesOf (XX-XXXX) AND issueFunction in aggregateExpression ( Sum Time Spent, "timeSpent.sum()")

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Shaili_RVS_Support September 3, 2021

HI @Kim P 

If you would be interested in a paid add-on, you can try out our app

Agile Tools : Epic Tree & Time in Status 

The app provides you complete Epic Hierarchy for a project with progress at each level. You can view/manage roll up for standard Jira hierarchy. Epic -> User Story -> Subtask for both rime estimates and story points

The app also provides Dashboard gadgets for this data.

Epic Hierarchy.PNG

Kim P
September 3, 2021

As per my initial request it specifically asks "Is there a way to get this data without the use of another paid add on?".  No money for ANOTHER add on.

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Jack Brickey
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February 15, 2021

Hi Kim, JQL wouldn't apply for your needs. I might suggest a free lite add on - Epic Sum Up Light  or get the paid version for more capabilities.

Jack Brickey
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February 15, 2021

or you could consider creating a custom field and use automation to update anytime an underlying story changes.

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Kim P
February 15, 2021

Thanks!  I tried sum up light and it doesn't give us anything useful as from what I see it's just a progress bar on the individual Epic.  We can't run any filters for it and it's not project specific.  Unfortunately I've got no money for an add-on.  We've tried the custom field route and can't get it to work properly, this was with the help of Atlassian.  I'm sure there's other folks in need of the same metrics and can't imagine everyone pays for an add-on to get the data.  Will keep looking for alternative. 

Jack Brickey
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February 15, 2021

cool. if you find a solution that works be sure to capture here. cheers!

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