Is it better to use a local database user for the JIRA database or an authenticated system user?

Fred Wagener April 15, 2016

We are expanding the use of both JIRA and Confluence at my company.  Currently, JIRA and Confluence access their databases via a user local to that database, as suggested in the set up instructions.  Some people at my company dislike this approach and think we should use a user account that is authenticated vs. our company domain.  Is there a best practice or technical reason to prefer one vs. another?

My thanks in advance for any assistance with this question.

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Morgan_Heijdemann April 18, 2016

Depends on how your server is set up. My company for example has set our JIRA server to only be accessible on the local company network, so we're using the same setup as suggested in the instructions. If your JIRA server is open, as in accessible via the internet I'd go for the authenticated user. It's just more secure.

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