In release view issues open suddenly in side panel by clicking on it.. how to prevent that

André Matzke
December 7, 2022

In release view issues open suddenly in side panel by clicking on it.. how to prevent that and let it open again in a useful way.

Can someone give me a hint, where the option is to configure it back...

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Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
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December 7, 2022

Hi @André Matzke , can you share a complete window screenshot of what you're experiencing?

André Matzke
December 7, 2022

I have to black out something, but I'll try

André Matzke
December 7, 2022

2022-12-07 20_05_49-IFA 3.0 Kunden- und Meldeportal_ Release-120 - IFAjira – Mozilla Firefox.png

Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
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December 7, 2022

That is strange indeed, I'm unable to reproduce it. Following this thread to see if other users are impacted or if someone has a solution.

André Matzke
December 7, 2022

in the sandbox we got for trying out, I am also not able to reproduce it, but in the production project it is on all my computers right now.

Many thanks you took time to answer.. best regards.

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