How to do ".notequals", ".or", "else" conditions in Xporter?

Gene Smilgiewicz July 17, 2015

I have a custom field that's a select list with "Yes" and "No" options for values. This works:

#{if (%{'${elmYnMigration}'.equals('Yes')})}
... show this content ...

How does one do a "not equals" version?

Piling on... is there an "or" construct?  What about an "else"?

Thanks in advance for any feedback...



6 answers

2 votes
Fábio Antunes July 23, 2015

Hi @Gene Smilgiewicz

Please try the following code:

#{if (%{'${elmYnMigration}'==='Yes'})}
…Show Content Here…
#{if (%{!('${elmYnMigration}'==='Yes') || !${elmYnMigration}})}
…Show Other Content Here…

What is the version of Xporter for JIRA that you're using ?

Kind Regards,
Fábio Antunes 

2 votes
Fábio Antunes July 21, 2015

Hi @Gene Smilgiewicz

Currently Xporter for JIRA does not have an "else" statement, but you could use another if as workaround, example:

#{if (%{'${elmYnMigration}'==='Yes'})}
... show this content ...
#{if (%{!'${elmYnMigration}'==='Yes'})}
... show other content ...

Kind Regards,
Fábio Antunes 

0 votes
Yanet Morales June 16, 2020

Hi, I tried to create an Or condition in an if statement but it's not working and in the documentation I can't find a proper example. I need to know what is the proper sintax for that. Could anyone help me, please?

0 votes
Filip Tanevski September 11, 2019

I have the same issue when it comes to filtering certain link types from an issue.

#{for tests}

#{for a=Tests[n].LinksCount}

#{if (%{'${Tests[n].Links[a].LinkType}'.equals('tests')})}





 I need an IF to get my all links except the TESTS one. I tried:

#{if (%{!'${Tests[n].Links[a].LinkType}'.equals('tests')})}
#{if (%!{'${Tests[n].Links[a].LinkType}'.equals('tests')})}

#{if (!%{'${Tests[n].Links[a].LinkType}'.equals('tests')})}
 #{if !(%{'${Tests[n].Links[a].LinkType}'.equals('tests')})}

 None of those work.

Any idea?

0 votes
Iagh April 13, 2019

#{if (%{'${elmYnMigration}'!='Yes'})} works for me

0 votes
Gene Smilgiewicz July 22, 2015

Thanks for chiming in, Fábio.

Without an #{else} I was forced to stack #{if} statements... an #{or} would be helpful.

BTW, your suggestion for not equals (#{if (%{!'${elmYnMigration}'==='Yes'})}) did not work for me.  Interesting variation of the Xporter syntax there.  



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