How can I query all User Stories under an Epic 1-many links

Jim Stafford October 24, 2024

I have a structure Epic-->ManyEpics-->Many User Stories.  I want a Query(Filter) to show all User Stories a top level Epic. I can only seem to query 1 issue link down.


I tried this one: 

issueFunction in issuesInEpics("issueFunction in portfolioChildrenOf('key=FGQL-2236')") AND issuetype = "User Story"



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Trudy Claspill
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October 24, 2024

Hello @Jim Stafford 

The native Jira issue type hierarchy, recognizing parent/child relationships is:

Level 1 - "Epic" issue type
|-- Level 0: standard issue types (i.e. Story, Bug, Task)
|-- Level -1: subtask issue types

It is not possible to change this parent/child hierarchy unless you are using a Premium or Enterprise subscription.

Are you using such a subscription? If so, can you provide a screen image of the Issue Type Hierarchy  configuration page?

If you are not using a Premium or Enterprise subscription, can you provide a screen image of an "Epic" that has "ManyEpics" associated to it, showing as much of the issue view as is necessary to see the Epic issue key and the list of associated "ManyEpics"?

Also, can you provide a similar image for a "ManyEpic" that has User Stories, show enough information to see the "ManyEpic" issue key and the list of associated User Stories?

Where is FGQL-2236 in your hierarchy? Is it an "Epic" or a "ManyEpics"?

If you execute just this portion of the filter:

issueFunction in portfolioChildrenOf('key=FGQL-2236') you get the results that you expect?

Jim Stafford October 24, 2024
Level 1 - "Epic" issue type (Setup as an [Initiative])
Level 1.5 "Epic" Group of Epics for other Teams (FGQL-2236)

|-- Level 2: Epic for other team to group Stories they need to complete
|-- Level -3: Stories for other teams

I want to Query Every story in Level 3 that is linked up to Level 1.5.

I get no Results with this query.

issueFunction in portfolioChildrenOf('key=FGQL-2236')


Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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October 24, 2024

Hello @Jim Stafford 

Unfortunately there is no such thing as levels "1.5" and "-3" in the Jira Issue Type Hierarchy.

Can you provide a screen image that shows the Issue Type Hierarchy configuration? That would be on this page:


Indicate at which level the issue type for FGQL-2236 is, and at which level the issue type for your "story" issue types are.

Jim Stafford October 24, 2024

Screenshot 2024-10-24 at 16.28.53.png

Jim Stafford October 24, 2024

Screenshot 2024-10-24 at 16.31.44.png

Trudy Claspill
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October 24, 2024

Try this link:


The link I provided previously is valid for Jira Cloud, the Software-as-a-Service project. I gave that based on the tags on your issue (jira-cloud).

I am now wondering if you are actually using Jira Data Center. The link I have provided in this response would work for Jira Data Center.

Jim Stafford October 24, 2024

I'm getting a permission violation now ...


Trudy Claspill
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October 24, 2024

Well that does tell us you're using the Data Center product.

You do need administrator access to access that page. It would be helpful if you could get that image from you admins.

In the image you provided where is the issue that you are using in the filter and which are the issues you are trying to get in your results?

Jim Stafford October 25, 2024

OK, sorry for the confusion, I guess I didn't know where our Jira was deployed. 

I'll try to get access to the page today.

I am trying to report on all the lower level User Stories (i.e. EGW-24968) through the FGQL-2236 Epic.

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 26, 2024

I am trying to report on all the lower level User Stories (i.e. EGW-24968) through the FGQL-2236 Epic.

Looking at the image you provided that includes those two issue keys:

Screenshot 2024-10-26 at 1.33.29 PM.png

... it seems there is a third issue involved. This appears to be an image from that third issue, let us call that issue A-1. And the image indicates that

- A-1 is the child of FGQL-2236 (the issue you want to use in the filter) 

- A-1 is the parent of EGW-24968 (the issue you want to get in the results)

So the relationships are:

FGQL-2236 >> A-1 >> EGW-24968


Does that sound correct?

To use the portfolioChildrenOf() function the parent/child relationships between the issues must have been established through an Advanced Roadmaps Plan.

Do you have an Advanced Roadmap Plan that shows these issues organized hierarchically as parent and children?

|-- A-1
|-- EGW-24968

If not then the function will not return the results you desire.


It is possible that in your environment you are using generic issue linking to artificially create parent/child relationships. The portfolioChildrenOf() function will not recognize that generic issue linking as actual parent/child relationships, and again would not return the results you desire.


So, the next step is to confirm that an Advanced Roadmap Plan exists that has established the parent/child hierarchical relationship between the issues.

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