Get "Created From" issue when creating a new issue from a postfunction

Jodi Gornick May 16, 2017

W.hen Creating a particular issue "manually" we are requiring an issue link.

We also want to create the issue automatically from another Issue type transition. Due to the mandatory link requirement I am in a "chicken and egg" situation.

I would like to add to my script (scriptrunner) validator that checks for the links, to only validate the link when the "created from" issue is not a specific issue type.

I was trying to use getContextIssue, but this seems to only be available from behaviors, not workflows.

So when "Created From" = Issue type X, then do not validate links. If "Created From = null, then check for links.

I was going down this path, but getContextIssueId() does not resolve

def issueManager = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager()
def cfId = getContextIssueId()
def contextIssue = issueManager.getIssueObject(cfId)

Any thoughts?

1 answer

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Jodi Gornick May 16, 2017

After looking at what is available, I went through the params map and it appears that if created manually the formtoken is supplied. If not, it is not in the params map.  I am now looking if the params contain the formtoken to determine whether to check for links or not.  Sort of hacky, but it is working.  If anyone has any other thoughts I would appreciate it.

if (request) {
     def params = request.getParameterMap()
     def paramsList = params.toString()
     log.debug("params: " + params)
     if (paramsList.contains("formToken")) {




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