Error in Integrity checker - after upgrading jira 8.20.7 to 9.4.8

prajakta_patil September 22, 2023

recently we have upgraded jira 8.20.7 to 9.4.8 after upgrading in Integrity checker getting below error :

ERROR: Subscription filter with id 11404 is missing its corresponding saved filter and will be removed: FilterSubscription (ID:11404)

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Dan Breyen
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September 25, 2023

Hi @prajakta_patil I took a quick look at Atlassian's Jira page and found this issue: JSWSERVER-20476 

It sounds to me like a bug.  You probably want to vote for and watch it for updates.

I don't see any workarounds, as this seems to be affecting your work, maybe it might be good to reach out to Support ( to see if they have any workarounds for you.

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