Dragging items on a Kanban board throws exceptions

David Vivash March 3, 2014

I have upgraded JIRA to version 6.2, and have JIRA Agile at version 6.3.4.

When I drag items on the Kanban board, the items don't move but instead throw javascript exceptions, with the message "

This issue happens on Chrome v32 (and IE8)

This only happens on a special Kanban board that we created, which has 10 columns for different statuses, on the scrum boards we usually use it's fine.

(I found a similar issue to the above, but the similar issue mentions the iDalko Table Grid Editor, which we do not have).

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Andrew Fisher March 11, 2014

We've had a very similar problem since our upgrade to JIra 6.2 also. For us, dragging items on a kanban board appears to work ok, but inside a board's column config, trying to drag Jira states from one column to another fails with the same error you're seeing:

An exception has occurred in http://*****/s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e/en_USplxjxh-1988229788/6252/5/14/_/download/superbatch/js/batch.jsat 268 :

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'dragStart'

Update: we tried updating our version of Jira Agile - since we hadn't updated it after upgrading to Jira 6.2 (we were previously on Agile, and just upgraded to, and it looks like this might have resolved the problem we were seeing.

David Vivash March 11, 2014

I just upgraded Jira Agile from 6.3.4 to and this appears to have fixed the problem, thanks

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