Cannot edit sprint end date when starting a new sprint

Max Kloosterman August 1, 2016

As a user I want to change the sprint end date when I start a new sprint.

I get an error message stating that the date is not valid. The format is provided by JIRA itself and not by me. No matter how I try to influence it it always reverts back to the incorrect format when I click start and then returns the below error message.

Kind regards,



image2016-8-1 17:24:13.png

2 answers

0 votes
Max Kloosterman September 19, 2016

Hi Geoff, 

Thanks for taking the time to answer and apologies for my late reply. It took a while before I was able to test it. 

I have looked at this setting and experimented with a couple. Apparently changing the time formats from h:mm to hh:mm does the trick. It is autofilled this way by the JIRA date and time picker and I cannot overwrite it. It always reverts back to the format preferred by the date and time picker.

So accepting that format seems to work. I haven't tested it yet with or without AM/PM. At the time of testing the format was set to require / accept AM/PM being filled in. Exactly the way the date and time picker fills out the field.

Interestingly: I started by reverting to defaults but the default didn't match the date and time picker format.

so far, so good,

Thanks again,


0 votes
Geoff Wilson
Rising Star
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August 1, 2016

A few notes of things to check on or potentially try:

  • Please check in Admin > System > Look and Feel > Date/Time Formats and note what different formats your system is set to
  • I've noted that there's a disconnect between that red error message format listed and the format shown in the text field, namly that "a" is missing.
    • "a" is needed for AM/PM after h:mm.  See that your Start Sprint does not have this AM/PM
    • I would assume that it doesn't matter if 0 is entered before 5 for 5am

So when you get to this window, it's auto populated with what exact defaults? 
My system is set to: "MM/dd/yy h:mm a" so my sprint fields default with "08/03/16 12:52 PM"

I'm really betting that it's because you're trying to enter AM/PM?

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