Can a JIRA bug be closed as Duplicate of a JIRA Task?

AJAY KOTNALA March 17, 2021

Can a JIRA bug be closed as Duplicate of a JIRA Task?

1 answer

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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March 17, 2021

Yes. If you are on a Classic project and you have a Resolution value in your list of “duplicate” then simply close the issue and set the Resolution to Duplicate. Note that you need to have a closure screen setup on you workflow that exposes the Resolution field and requires the use to choose a resolution from the list. You should also consider exposing the link field so the use can link to the duplicate.

Oleg P_ December 12, 2023

Thank you Jack. How do I setup a "closure screen" in a workflow? Thanks.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
December 12, 2023

Hi @Oleg P_ , are you a Jira admin and are you using a Company Managed project? If so the follow these steps:

create screen :

  • Go to system settings > issues > screens
  • click on Add screen
  • give it a name like Require Resolution on Close and a description
  • now that the screen is created, find it in the list of screens and click on the… to the right.
  • Select configure and in the next screen add the resolution field

add new screen to your workflow:

  • Go to project settings> Workflows.
  • Edit your workflow in diagram mode.
  • Double click on the transition into your done status
  • On the modal pop-up screen, you should see a screen field. In that box, add your newly created screen, save and publish your workflow.

Test your new workflow by transitioning an issue to done and verify that the resolution screen is required.

Please note that you may already have a screen that requires the resolution. This is very common in any established Jira instance. If that is the case you can simply we use that screen.

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Oleg P_ December 12, 2023

Thank you very much Jack. Will try this.

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