Automating ticket linkages between Service Desk and JIRA Software

Nathaniel Erlandson August 17, 2016

I'm curious about what my options are when it comes to integrating Service desk and JIRA Software. I ask this, mainly, because in our office, we have a large number of developers who still end up touching a lot of helpdesk tickets that come through the service desk that end up being issues for applications they support/develop for. So currently, the managers are deliberating how many agents we should have within JIRA, as well as the idea of many of our devs not having agent accounts due to costs.

So in this situation, we would have our devs working out of JIRA Software, however they would obviously need to see their tickets that are coming through in one way or another, from service desk. I know I could set components on tickets so at least so service desk agents could determine the correct tickets that should be put over to the devs, but I'm a little hazy on what the generally accepted practice is there. Are tickets usually created within JIRA Software as well, and linked to the original service desk ticket? Can I automate a process where by a linked ticket is created within JIRA software if it matches certain criteria?

My main concern, or goal, is trying to get around agents having to touch every ticket that needs to go over to a developer, or telling devs they would need to create a linked ticket every time they need to deal with an issue a user submitted through service desk. That seems like something we should be able to circumvent, as it would be a huge timewaster.

I'm mainly just curious about best practices when it comes to getting some level of integration between Service Desk and JIRA Software, and how I could automate some things to save everyone precious time.


Any input is appreciated.

1 answer

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Jonathan September 1, 2016

I'm using JIRA Software right now and we plan to get service desk so this also interests me since we don't want to buy angent licences for all our devs.

I guess the answer is creating linked issues:

and maybe add some automation:

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