Asana Inbox for Jira?

Capps January 20, 2020

Is there an equivalent in Jira to Asanas inbox where you can have one place to look at where you are @mentioned for project comments etc etc.

I know there is the Activity stream in your dashboard but its not quite the same thing as I dont see activity on tasks I have set or @mentions.

Im trying to find a way to disable email notifications so I dont constantly get bombarded with notifications and I can have one place I can look to see all the activity on projects.


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Lenin Raj
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 20, 2020

Hi @Capps 

You can click on the 'Bell' icon in the left navigation to look at all the notifications that you would have received via email:



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