Add comment via e-mail with only the most recent text being added to the issue

Albert Narusberg October 24, 2016

I want to configure a JIRA project so that when users reply to notifications, only their comment that they make via e-mail is reflected in the JIRA issue and not the whole e-mail thread. I created a mail handler for "Add a comment before a specified marker or separator in the email body" handler type, but still the comment that is added to the issue gets all of the "old" stuff from the e-mail. My regex for the marker is /From:*/ or simply /From:/

Someone on my team told me there is a way to modify some configuration file on our JIRA server, but I could not find any details on the Atlassian Answers. Can someone please help.


Thank you, all!

1 answer

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Albert Narusberg October 28, 2016

So I found the solution for this problem in this article:

Method 4 worked for me.



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