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Jira Issue Ageing Issue based on Ticket updated date

Subramanian June 28, 2020


Currently to get the number of date between the current date and the jira ticket updated date. we are doing it manually by extracting the issues in excel and then arrive the number of date between the update date and the current date and based on the number of date arrived, put the number of issues under different period buckets viz., within 1 week, 1 to 4 weeks, 4 to 8 weeks, 8 to 12 weeks and so on.  This data is needed at the Jira status level. Is there any way to get this details based on JQL?  The output should be two dimensional - Status wise and week wise


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Rudy Holtkamp
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June 28, 2020

Hi, you could use JQL filters for it, but on a dashboard you need several gadgets. For every bucket you need one gadget. Otherwise you should invest in an app that supports your use case. A good candidate would be Custom charts for Jira reports

within 1 week: updated >= -7d order by updated desc

between 1-2 weeks: updated <= -1w and updated >= -4w order by updated desc

And the rest is obvious, I hope.

Tip if you use Kanban/Scrum board, you could use swimlanes to represent the same buckets. Or use quick filters to quickly get these tickets in view. 


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