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Story Map EazyBI JQL Problem

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November 25, 2021

Actually we got Jira server installed and for the Storymap the next error  

jira error 4.png

The steps that we follow to solve this was

1. Check the filter in the specific board and the result is no problem in board, the problem is for all the boards 

2. Reindex looking for changes in configuration etcetera,  result Reindex is not the solution

3. Restart the server and restart the app, result the problem still there

4. Lookin in the java console we found the next 


i @ batch.js?locale=en:244
/rest/api/latest/search?fields=summary%2Cpriority%2Cstatus%2Cissuetype%2Cproject%2Cepic%2Cassignee%2Ctimetracking%2Ccomponents%2Ccustomfield_10006%2Csprint%2Ccustomfield_13201%2Ccustomfield_10004%2CfixVersions&jql=BPT%20-%20Sales%20in%20%28CM-1%2CCM-105%2CCM-2%2CCM-3%2CCM-4%2CCM-44%2CCM-60%2CCM-106%29%20AND%20statusCategory%20in%20%28new%2C%20indeterminate%29%20AND%20filter%20%3D%2019547%20AND%20%28statusCategory%20%21%3D%20done%20OR%20%28statusCategory%20%3D%20done%20and%20%28%28cf%5B10004%5D%20in%20%28openSprints%28%29%2C%20futureSprints%28%29%29%29%20AND%20issuetype%20not%20in%20subtaskIssueTypes%28%29%20%20OR%20%28fixVersion%20in%20unreleasedVersions%2813501%29%29%29%29%29%20ORDER%20BY%20cf%5B10005%5D&maxResults=1000&startAt=0:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()
com.kretar.jira.plugin.user-story-map:entrypoint-eausm-server-app.js:84 Object
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for

 looks like an error in the api regarding some custom field, how we can update the search

Thanks in advance 

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Fabian Lim
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November 29, 2021

Hi @isaias_hernandez1

Where are you running this jql in jira or eazybi?


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