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How can I confirm if a user has been removed from the organization using Rest API Jira?

Duyen Nguyen July 7, 2023

I'm trying to confirm if the user has been removed from the organization from the site using the rest API: 

  • I deleted a user using the Delete user API. 
  • But I can still get data from Get user API. 

Can you tell me how can I find out if a user has been removed from the organization?By using rest api jira?


Delete user API:
Get user API:

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Mohamed Benziane
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July 7, 2023


When you delete an user, this user is just removed from the Jira base

Deletes a user. If the operation completes successfully then the user is removed from Jira's user base. This operation does not delete the user's Atlassian account

So i guess that when you call the get user API you're just getting data from the Atlassian account

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