I've been working with Dynamics CRM for many many (too many) years and am finding new tools to do things in a better way. Frankly, I'm in danger of becoming an advocate for Jira Work, it fits so many of my use cases.
Yet there are things that I miss.
In my Microsoft world I have fields, and required (not null) fields, but there's a third thing, which is 'Business recommended'. Which serves 2 purposes...
Firstly, it hi-lights a UI element in an incomplete field but does not enforce filling it in before saving and secondly it allows some management metrics to report against; when a recommended field if not filled it's quite likely that the action is not process compliant.
Before I raise this as a feature request, have I missed something? Does this functionality exist already in another form?
I've got other things too, but one at a time eh :)