poblem with loding js file from web resourse to customfield vm-template

Ignat November 28, 2022

I've implemented  some new customfield types in my plugin. These field require js resources to be loaded in page context.

I've no problems when loading web resource to jira.view.issue context, but when trying to load resource directly to view.vm template of my customfield it is not being loaded.

i've tried:

- $webResourceManager.requireResource

- #requireResource

- $webResourceManager.requireResourcesForContext

- #requireResourcesForContext

none of these works(jira version 7.13)

here is the web resource block from atlassian-plugin.xml

<web-resource key="select2cf-web-resources-key"
<description key="${atlassian.plugin.key}.resources.description">
AUI plugin, png thumbnails and js file with scripts</description>
<resource type="download" name="images/" location="/images"/>
<resource type="download" name="scriptDisableHide" location="/customScript/scriptDisableHide.js"/>

(atlassial plugin key is ru.homecredit.select2cf)

and the first lines of view.vm


 what am I doing wrong?

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