Displaying sum of story points for Epics and child Stories

Ert Dredge April 1, 2013

I love the new Epic left-hand pane view in the GH 6.1.x rapid boards. However, Story Points on an Epic don't seem to show up there. That is, if I edit an Epic and give it 20 Story Points, the view in the scrollable Epics list doesn't show those points. It only shows the summed points from the child stories.

Often I have, say, an Epic that has 3 stories under it that have been well defined and estimated, but additional work to be done on the Epic that has yet to be sliced out into Stories, so I end up with more points on the Epic itself. And, even more basic, sometimes I have an Epic that I want to estimate before I get to any story breakdown and definition. Shouldn't those points show up? Is there a place to configure this?

(Using JIRA 5.0.5 and GH

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Lathrop [PSU] April 1, 2013

I believe that you are correct. Story points given to the Epic itself do not show in the point total on the Epic Panel. I believe this is because the panel only shows the sum of the tasks underneath the Epic. There needs to be a view similar to the Time Estimate vs. Remaining Time vs. Logged view to deliver what you need at the Epic level.

Possbile workaround: This experience is similiar to my own on how JIRA and GreenHopper added recorded time. I want to have estimates for all ticket levels in my hierarchy. However, if I estimate time for a task and also for it individual subtasks it raises the estimate of the task. The estimates are not independant. This effectively doubles your intial estimate when you have completed the project. I find that you can only use estimates effectively at the lowest ticket level so the sums at the higher tickets are more accurate. The same principle might apply to story points. Only set them at the lowest ticket level so they can add up correctly for the tickets higher in the hierarchy.

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