Can I change the estimate on the Rapid board plan to "remaining estimate"?

Lewis Foster July 12, 2012

We have just finished a sprint and some tasks weren't completed in the sprint. Because of this, they've gone back into the sprint backlog but unfortunately they are confusing because the time estimate displayed when dragging the sprint bar up and down is the original estimate, not the remaining estimate.

This means I have a 10 day task (original) that only has 2 days remaining but when trying to plan my sprint it looks like this task is going to take 10 days.

Can this be changed?



1 answer

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Danielle Zhu
Rising Star
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July 16, 2012

Check out Though it's marked as resolved, it appears Remaining Estimate is not supported for estimation. Burndown charts can now be based on Remaining Estimate and Time Spent. I know some team "split" incomplete stories before they complete a sprint; others just let those stories go back to the back log.

Depending on how strong you feel about using remaining estimate for Rapid Board planning, you may create a feature request with Atlassian.

Danielle Zhu
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 16, 2012

By the way, I just saw Atlassian's GreenHopper product manager's comment about adding a "Split story" function in the future:

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