I work as an Atlassian consultant. Everytime I install a Jira Service Desk for a demo it comes with a lot of options and categories. But my clients always ask me for very simple Service Desk portals, as they considers the end users too computer illiterate to even know the difference between hardware and software.
Sometime even having requests and Incidents is too much because people might get confuse.
We have tried configuring some with categories but at the end of the day people stop reading after the first request...
So I was wondering, what does your portal look like? Do you have a lot of request? Do people use them?
Hi Dave! How do you theme it up? Do you use an app from the marketplace of make a special customization?
Yes we do both depending upon budget and complexity. So for example we have used Ultimate theming, and tried to do somethings ourselves such as embedding a map from our GIS system on the portal as part of the issue creation.