Dear all,
I faced a problem, about attachment.
First of all i want to tell you what we did. We are using Servicedesk and Software. For a specific request type our automation rule (which we made) create clone the task to Software. To spesific project's backlog. We made status change syn. (as status match) and also sync. comment automation rule. Everythink works fine, expect atttachments. If developer attach a document or picture or somethink like this. the attachment's shown but with preview unavaible error. I researched and i found smart values for attachment. The values return all the attachment from clonned task as a link. If i click the link the attachments will download. It works. But a customer (who raised a issue from customer portal) can't download the attachments. This occurs because they don't have access in Software. They musn't. So to be conclude i need to the attachment must downloadable if a user from software attached then the comment and attachment clonned.