So I'm testing a looped transition that I can automate and send a custom email via Scriptrunner to remind approvers about a pending approval. I'm trying to configure a button using the same url structure as the native approve/decline buttons
There appears to be a variable in the URL which changes every time an issue enters the approval status that I need to accommodate for. the variable occurs after the issue key in the url. For example
The 1235 will increment to 1236 after the loop to trigger the custom email so I need to call a variable otherwise you will just receive an error 'the approval has been decided' in the portal.
My current url is this
Does anyone know what the variable is that gets incremented when a ticket enters/re enters the approval status.
I looked for the same kind of ID.
After inspecting an issue by its JSON object via I saw that the whole approval is mapped to or saved in an custom field.
The ID in the URL is the ID of the approval, e.g.:
The approval link for the issue above would be
Hope that helps someone :)
Hi @Steve Letch have you managed to get this Approval ID using groovy script? I am also looking for the same solution. Thank you! :)
Hi @Steve Letch , @Anneta Svircenkova , @Hauke Bruno Wollentin
I found a solution for this with the ServiceDesk API with ScriptRunner. Here is the code:
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser
import com.atlassian.jira.user.UserUtils
import com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.Approval
import com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalQuery
import com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalService
import com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponse
import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.customisers.WithPlugin
ApprovalService approvalService = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(ApprovalService)
ApprovalQuery query = approvalService.newQueryBuilder()
.issue(123) //Change with de issue ID
ApplicationUser admin = UserUtils.getUser("Administrator") // Change with your admin user
PagedResponse<Approval> approvals = approvalService.getApprovals(admin, query)
approvals.each {
log.warn it.getId()
Hi Alejandro,
Thanks for this example, it is just what I am looking for as well. I have just one follow up question: How do I set the ID to a variable within the script instead of writing it to the log?
When this is executed in a transition or a script listener, looks like approvals variable is not being populated yet and I get null, works in the preview though
Hi @Javier Pérez as far as I remember, you have to listen to the "ApprovalRequestedEvent" to catch the Issue in the moment that it has the approval Id.
If you try to catch the id when you do the transition (in the event of the transition) the id is not setted yet, and it will return null.