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Jira auto close automations not working, because automatic chaser automations are active

Jordan Davies June 6, 2024

I have an automation rule setup to chase users every 24 hours with differing messages.


This is performed for 3 days, on day 4 an automation rule runs to transition the ticket to auto-closed status.


The issue I'm having is auto-close transition, isn't working, and I'm assuming its because the condition I'm contains "updated <= -4d" I've tried adding "AND (not status changed by)" in an attempt to ignore the "Automation for Jira" user, trying "not updated by" (invalid statement) and I'm not sure where to go with it now.

1 comment

Rodney D_Souza June 6, 2024

"This is performed for 3 days" what criteria are you using for this 3 day check?  

Jordan Davies June 6, 2024

there's 4 seperate automations that run, with the "updated <=-'x'd" so on day 1 the "1 day" automation runs, day 2 the "2 day" runs etc. 


The issue im having at the moment is i believe the "updated" condition is flagging the comments left by "Automation for Jira" as updates and is not processing the autoclose rule. 


I've tried adding the "AND (not status changed by [automation for jira userid])" but its still not processing the autoclose automation. 

Rodney D_Souza June 6, 2024

"day 2 the "2 day" runs "

Yes, so how is it that you successfully get the "day 2" Automation to run 2 days after you want it to, and not get tripped up by the same issue that you think is tripping up your Automation that you want to run on day 4?

[I am trying to get further details from you so that we can help out.]

Jordan Davies June 6, 2024

im honestly not sure so for example -:


first day without update:

status = "Waiting for customer" and updated <= -1d


Second day without update:

status = "Waiting for Customer" and updated <= -2d


Third day:

status = "Waiting for Customer" and updated <= -3d


Fourth day:

status = "Waiting for customer" and updated <= -4d AND (not status changed by 557058:f58131cb-b67d-43c7-b30d-6b58d40bd077)


(i only added the "AND (not status changed by [automation by jira id])" when it wasnt prompting. Im not sure at all why its not picking up, and the audit trail isnt really giving me anything to go off of, other than, it diddnt pickup any tickets. 

Rodney D_Souza June 6, 2024

I have been assuming that when say your day 1-3 Automations are running, they add a Comment to the ticket.   Is that correct?

By the way, I assume these are all running on a 1/day schedule.  This seems obvious, but apparently there is some confusion, so just making sure we all understand.

If so, I don't see why your "Day 2" check is not falling into the same trap, do you?  I mean, I would think that your "day 1" Automation will run continuously i.e. every day it will run instead of the "day 2" - are you sure this is not happening (by checking the logs, not necessarily the comments)?

Your clause "AND (not status changed by [automation by jira id])" seems to address if the STATUS change was by the Automation agent, which is different from trying to avoid the last COMMENT.

If it is the Comment that is causing things to fail, then you can possibly avoid the problem by sending an Email as the Action, rather than adding a Comment.  This avoids the problem, but is a fix that is useful only if you don't get to the heart of your current problem.

You should probably debug this using 1 hour instead of 1 day.  And I believe you could do this all in 1 Automation Rule, instead of 4 (once we figure out what the problem is).

Jordan Davies June 6, 2024

I've started running it on 1 hour to try and debug it but still nothing. And unfortunately i cant run it on email only as we're using the Jira SD and need the audit trail the comments leave in order to reflect that we have attempted to contact the user on multiple occasions.


I'm just as stuck as you are as to why its not automatically closing these tickets, when the rule is identical to the other ones that are successfully leaving comments. But i doubt I'm the only person that's tried to use automations in this way, and i cant find anything online so i am entirely at a loss with what is wrong.


Rodney D_Souza June 6, 2024

Hi Jordan,

Yea, I have done this sort of thing many times. So have others.

You said "when the rule is identical to the other ones that are successfully" , so  have other similar Automation Rules on your system that are working?

"leaving comments."   So, these Automations are not creating Comments for day1, day2, and day 3?


Also, I notice/infer that you are not directly copying and pasting here e.g. I noticed that you had posted "status = "Waiting for customer" and updated < -4d "  and then later changed it to <=       Also "customer" has a lower-case 'c'

I mention this because its seem like the whole story is not being told/shown here, which is making it a bit more difficult to help.

By the way, you did not answer my 2 previous questions.  I asked them so that we can get more clarity.

Jordan Davies June 6, 2024

the automations for days 1-3 are successfully leaving comments all of them.


The automation for the close was incorrect on the example i copied (there is one for each different status types as they require different responses)


The other rules are correct ( <=- 4d) and still not running as per the audit logs.


Rules are running every hour, logs are saying nothing has been picked up on the autoclose.


For the comments, they are showing and the audit log shows me the tickets that have been successfully picked up. 

Rodney D_Souza June 12, 2024

Hi Jordan,

Did you ever figure it out?  

I was not able to help you anymore for a few reasons.  One is that you were not answering all my questions (for both my sake and yours).  So, it was difficult to keep going on the "remote debugging"

Anyway here is a screenshot of one my Rules.

Notice the "Only include issues that have changed since the last time this rule executed" message - I hope you don't have that checkbox checked.


Jordan Davies June 13, 2024

i had answered every one of your questions in quite explicit detail.


If there is a specific part that you would like me to provide further information on a specific part, im more than happy to.


My rule looks the same just with the different statuses on different rules.



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