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JSM Mail Handler creating new users

John O_Reilly May 24, 2022

I've setup Mail Handler so emails to a specific address create tickets in a specific JSM project (Operational Support). I ticked the box Create User, so that the user who sent the email can create the ticket, but I want these new users to be Customers, not full Users, in order to manage/minimize paid licenses (Customer licenses being free).

Can someone confirm which type of user is created by an email request for support? If every emailed request creates a full User, my licensing costs are going to explode.

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John O_Reilly May 24, 2022

Also, is there a way to re-run the import of emails? We had a failure due to a changed password on the email account, which halted the flow of emails to tickets. Now we have several emails in the inbox that haven't created tickets

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