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Integration with AWS Cloudwatch

Ihab Basri
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September 26, 2024

While reading about integrations with AWS Cloudwatch, I saw the following note:

"Bidirectional integrations aren’t supported in Free and Standard plans. All the other integrations are supported at a team level in Free and Standard; however, for their outgoing part to work, you need to upgrade to a higher plan. To add any integration at a site level through Settings (gear icon) > Products (under JIRA SETTINGS) > OPERATIONS, you need to be either on Premium or Enterprise.

Adding an integration from your team’s operations page makes your team the owner of the integration. This means Jira Service Management only assigns the alerts received through this integration to your team."

  • what does it mean by "bidirectional integrations?
  • If our use case involves passing alerts and alert closures generated by Cloudwatch to Jira Service Management, to be dispatched and for incidents to be created/closed, would "standard" plan suffice?
  • Could you elaborate on cases when premium or enterprise is needed?

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