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How do I copy a project from one JIRA instance to another JIRA instance. Each instance is owned by different party

Steven Schwartz
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June 19, 2014

How do I copy a project from one JIRA instance to another JIRA instance. Each instance is owned by different party

1) We need the JIRA information moved to our instance. We have completed work with 3rd party software developer and need to manage project from our own JIRA instance

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Pedro Souza
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 19, 2014

You can take an XML Backup from the JIRA instance, and then perform a project import into the other instance, take a look into the document below for more information:

Or if this project has just a few issues, you may prefer to run a filter searching for those issues that you want to import to the new instance, then Export the filter result to an Excel file (with all fields), open the Excel file and conver to a CSV file, perform the proper adjust on the CSV, and perform the import to a clean Project as per of our documentation:

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