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Customer Portal

Furkan September 24, 2024

Hello everyone,


I have a customer portal for colleagues within the company so that they can make tasks for me, I noticed that some colleagues can't access my portal (which is closed off for public only accessible if you are logged in) if they dont have jira service management license, most can access without the license but some must have a license to access it.


Does anyone know why this happens and what I can do about it? I have had 4 people so far with who this has happened which is quite annoying.

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Geethanjali Katagani
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September 24, 2024

Hi @Furkan ,

To allow any user to access the JSM portal, you must configure the portal as open at the project level.

Go to Project Settings > Customer Permissions > set the portal to "Open."

If issues persist, check the global settings.

Click on the cogwheel icon on the top right, select Products > JSM>customer access, and adjust the settings accordingly.


Furkan September 24, 2024

Hello, I closed off the portal because our customers somehow found it and kept making tickets that are meant for support and not for internal support. I have added our azure ad group as a customer, hopefully this has helped


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Bibek Behera
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September 24, 2024

@Furkan ,

I would suggest to check for the impacted user which user and compare there group membership.


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Walter Buggenhout
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September 24, 2024

Hi @Furkan,

To access the portal, people do not need a license, but they must be added as customers to your JSM project. Most likely, this was not the case for the 4 people you refer to.

Hope this helps!

Furkan September 24, 2024

Is it possible to automatically have all of my co workers as customers? I tried to make an organisation but no clue if it's possible to make an conditional access that if they have groups that come from azure that they will be automatically added as a customer / added to the organisational unit

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