Recently I have setup a Jira servicedesk for a team in our organisation for following up escalation issues from another support line. These are recieved from a set email from the support line and create tickets without to much of a problem.
In their message they also have included the contact info of the person that called them, mostly email. Then we have a process that add this info as request participant and create a support customer account for them based on that email.
Now we notice that sometimes there are errors in those emails and that customers notifications can't be delivered. These are all captured in the customer notification logs. However this log is only available to project admins and not agents.
So I was wondering if there is an easy way to add these messages that are captured in these logs as a comment to a the linked issue, That way our agents are notified and can take immediate action in this case. And don't have to wait for a project admin to check these logs.