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Best practice to add/import users

Gabe Cz September 26, 2024


We have over 7000 users, or at least user accounts I'd say 10% invalid email addresses/typos/etc but we need those anyways. I can convert it to any format. List of emails, txt with 1 email in a line, or json/csv/xml whatever is desired.

We will have one closed project for our closed tickets (about 150.000 tickets) import is ready to rock all I need is the users to be uploaded so I can download the csv and replace their email addresses in the upload json to their jira userIDs. Then we will have a production helpdesk project.

There also will be another solution for internal use. That will be not a "Service Management" project like the two I mentioned above. So I'm sure i can restrict the access of end users (customers) so they only can access the production project and nothing else. (right?)

My question is if we should imoprt/upload them to admin.atlassian / directory/users, and add them Customer only access? Or should i add them to the project / project settings / people?

Can someone show me an example JSON for both? I'm struggling creating users the 1st (let's call it product level customers) way, and have no idea how to do the 2nd (let's call it project level customers)

I noticed that if I add a user to the projects /people page, it'll pop up in the "product level" list and will get an email invite. That is absolutely out of the question, we cannot send out 7200 emails and expect 0 callbacks/emails/questions/panic.

What I need is a solution for mass import users that only (and I mean ONLY) have customer access. In our case the group is called "jira-servicemanagement-customers-COMPANYNAME" But when I add a user with the follwing json, they'll be put in a 2nd group called "jira-software-users-COMPANYNAME" for whatever reason. It'll be fine with me to remove them from this group manually after a 7200 user JSON import. 1 click per user and it's done. BUT when I remove a user from a group, the undesired email invite goes out. Same happens when I create users manually 50 a time. that means I'd had to do the same thing 146 times and expecting no mistakes. (no go in my opinion) and give them 0 rights when creating and unchecking the send out email invite, it's all good, but once again when I add them to the "jira-servicemanagement-customers-COMPANYNAME" group, the email invitaton will be sent. I'm kind of between a rock and a hard place here.

Even if I'd bite the bullet and would add users by hand they'd get an email invitation which I under no circumstances want.

Any suggestions that I can try? Preferred would be JSON but if I could get a proper guide to use API that'd be ok too. Once again: 7200 users, only in group "jira-servicemanagement-customers-COMPANYNAME" and nowhere else, and no email invitation.

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Ingo Volkhausen
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September 27, 2024

Hi @Gabe Cz 

I see many questions and I do have one idea regarding the following issue:

" ... "jira-servicemanagement-customers-COMPANYNAME" But when I add a user with the follwing json, they'll be put in a 2nd group called "jira-software-users-COMPANYNAME"

Those are 2 different products (JSM and JS) and therefor it might be you have to review "Approved Domains" Configuration via the steps below and put them to None.

Maybe this is the first puzzle piece to proceed.


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