There is a (OOB) field called Affected Services. This field is locked and linked to OpsGenie services. If you create an OG service it appears in this field wherever it is used.
I have an automation rule (if, then, else) assigns a point value to a custom field depending on what "Tier" the affected service selected falls into.
If I have multiple selections that fall into different tiers, and you want to use the highest point value, how can this be accomplished.
I need to extract the point value for each and determine which point value is the highest.
I am thinking some kind of array maybe, but I do not know how arrays work in Jira and how do i even extract values from a multiselect dropdown individually. Example Below.
Service 1 = 4
Service 2 = 3
Service 3 = 2
If all three are selected, I just want the highest value which would be 4.