i am looking for a possibility to add/link existing issues from Jira to ideas in JPD. Unfortunately there is no bulk edit "Linked issues" in JS.
It would be also great and helpful, having a multi-selection possibility of issues if i want to add delivery tickets to an idea.
It is all about the new migration and move to JPD (testings/pilot)
I'm looking for this functionality too. Have there been any updates?
@Sebastian Pechhold I thought it was possible to export/import issue links.
Have you tried something like this? https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-import-issue-links-from-a-csv-file-in-jira-740262715.html
This way you can bulk create ideas, and link them to the issue in the Jira Software project (if you want them to appear in the delivery section of the idea, use the "implements" link type)