Couldn't find a post on how to move JPD from one Jira domain to another. Is it possible? The Beta JPD was set up in a Jira domain just to test it, but now we want to move it.
Is there a way of doing that?
Thanks for sharing your situation. Hopefully there will be support for this later on.
Hi Jessica,
as mentionned by Gary, Cloud to Cloud migration isn't yet available for team-managed projects, hence not available for Jira Product Discovery.
For the moment the only way to migrate would be to export your ideas in csv : https://support.atlassian.com/jira-product-discovery/docs/export-jira-product-discovery-data-to-excel-and-gsheets/
and import them https://support.atlassian.com/jira-product-discovery/docs/import-ideas-from-a-csv-file/
However, you'd need to recreate your views and configurations in the new site.
Thanks for this, it is not perfect but it is better than to create everything from scratch 😊
Does anyone know if this has been solved?
Per migration information - Team managed projects for Software and JWM work, any word on if or when Discovery will be available?
I'd take just to base 'item' for now to move the needle