Jira - Change automatic backup directory

Smurfz87 February 9, 2016

How can I change to a custom backup directory in JIRA 7.0.9? 

Thanks smile 

1 answer

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sarah izadyar February 10, 2016

As an administrator user you have access to all services in jira. One of the services is backup which is done automatically in costume intervals. Find backup service and edit it. You can change the address as well as the intervals.

Smurfz87 February 10, 2016

image2016-2-11 8:58:53.png

This is the view I get when I try to edit the service. This does not let me change the directory, example:

current dir: C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Application Data\JIRA\export

wanted dir: C:\Users\Administrator\Dropbox\backup\JIRA 

sarah izadyar February 10, 2016

In my version it is available. Let me explore more.

Smurfz87 February 10, 2016

Older version, pre-6.something seems to have it enabled. Was a bit of a process to enable custom path for Confluence as well for the newest version, but found some documentation on it. This one however has been a difficult nut to crack.

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