Issue Statistics Gadget Sorted By Total Show Duplicate Records

Doods Perea February 15, 2017

Our JIRA tickets use a field "Resolution per Role" that takes 1 or more values. Since there are tickets that have more than 1 value, the total in the filter (895) does not match the total shown in the Issue Statistics Gadget (Statistics Type: Resolution per Role, total shown is 1,106).  This part is understood.

The problem is, when the gadget is sorted by "Total", a couple of "Resolution per Role" values appear twice in the gadget. This does not happen when the sort is by "Natural".  Also when you click the value for the duplicate "Resolution per Role", the JQL fetches the entire (correct) number of tickets for that Resolution per Role.

Is this a bug in the gadget or is there a logical explanation to this?  Could someone help please?

Thank you.

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Doods Perea February 17, 2017

Here below is our Issue Statistics Gadget where 3 Resolution Per Role values were repeated.  Statistics Type is "Resolution per Role".  Data is sorted by "Total".  When sorted by "Natural", the rows are unique and duplicates disappear.



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