How to pass an hyperlink to JIRA 'Description' field using R?

Rajkumar Balakrishnan September 7, 2017

When I try to send a link like as suggested here  for the 'description, field while creating a JIRA ticket through a R script,


x <- list(fields = list(project = c(key = "TEST"),
summary = "New Issue Ticket Created",
description = "[Issue Doc|]",
issuetype = c(name = "Task"),
assignee = c(name = assigneeUsrName)

response <- POST("",
body = RJSONIO::toJSON(x), authenticate("usrName","pwd", "basic"),
add_headers("Content-Type" = "application/json"), verbose())

I only see the text in the description field instead of a hyperlink.

[Issue Doc|]

What am I missing here?

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