Grovvy script in JIRA 7.0.5 w/ Metadata for JIRA v3.2.1 plugin is not working. The same use to work in JIRA v6.4.8

Punit Vyas February 3, 2016

OsgiContainerManager osgiManager = ComponentManager.getInstance().getComponentInstanceOfType(OsgiContainerManager.class)

return osgiManager.getServiceTracker("com.osoboo.jira.metadata.MetadataService").getService().getMetadataValue(issue.getProjectObject(), "crmid")

1 answer

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Manjunatha K R March 23, 2017

You have to use ComponentAccessor instead of ComponentManager.

like ComponentAccessor.getComponentOfType(IssueLinkTypeManager.class).getIssueLinkTypes();

As ComponentManager which was deprecated in JIRA 7. See this page for more information:

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