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Configuring sub-task fields displayed on parent issues in new issue view

Ward Schwillens_ Schwillie
October 14, 2022

I understand roadmap and resource capacity and the crux this causes but there is this “bug” with quite some votes and watchers that is pretty annoying for our users.

It literally means that people have to go into every subtask of a parent to view these details instead of having them in the overview they are used to having on Jira server.

 I am happy to be part of the Atlassian Eco-system, but I do expect that bugs will get resolved within a reasonable time frame.

If I see this particular one that has quite some votes;

What do you think about this one, should it get more votes and a higher priority? 

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
Community Leader
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October 14, 2022

While you're waiting for Atlassian, you could use the Issue Matrix app to solve this!


I'm not affiliated with this app in any way, but it looks quite polished and it is rather popular.

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