restricting access to review projects

May 12, 2016

I have a couple of crucible projects. To each of these projects a specific group of users should be assigned that is able to access this project. Other users that are not member of these groups shouldn't be able to view or event create a review in this projects.

Right now I am handling this by creating a permission scheme for every project with the only difference in the group of users that is assignerd to the 'create' and the 'view' role.
I find that a little bit cubersome, since there is already a configuration in the project itself where you can define the group of eligible reviewers but this configuration seems to have no effect for the 'create' and 'view' role. Why is there not simply another configuration option in addition to the groups of reviewers where one can define the group of users that is allowed to create reviews, so one could use one single permission scheme for all these projects? Am I doing anything wrong here? 

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Deleted user May 12, 2016

We use the 'groups' functionality in Crucible and name it after the project. Like for project "ABC", we set the "Default Reviewer Groups" for the group named "abc_group" and it works perfectly well for us. Are you saying otherwise? 

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