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Retrieve last login date for users to FishEye

Anastasia April 11, 2018


how can i retrieve last login date for users to FishEye? I have Oracle DB.

I have seen users in FishEye Admin, but there was no last login dates. Crowd Auth.

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Caterina Curti
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 12, 2018

Hi Anastasia,


The information about the last login can be retrieved by following the steps / running the query on the following article:

How to query for inactive/idle users in FishEye/ Crucible



Caterina - Atlassian

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 11, 2018

Hi Anastasia,


The information you are searching for is not present in the Fisheye DB.


We had a similar question in the past and as a workaround a query to provide last activity per user was provided.


You can find it at Get list of users sorted by last login or last activity date.

the following:


select cru_user_name, to_timestamp( max(cru_last_viewed)/1000), count(cru_user_name) from cru_recently_visited group by cru_user_name order by max(cru_last_viewed) desc;


Should give you roughly what you need.

It wont give you logins per-se, however will let you know which users recently viewed an 'entity' in FishEye/Crucible. An entity is: a repository, a project, a review or a user page.

You could also consult the cru_login_cookie table to get the last time a login cookie was created for any given user.

Hope this helps

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