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Is it possible to notify committer/author by email for review activity which do not have fisheye/crucible access ?

chintan thakar August 8, 2016

Let's take a scenario :

There are three fisheye/crucible users, one is moderator, one is reviewer and one is author/committer. I have set up code review with every check-in by reviewcreator plugin.

Now if someone(Let's say it xyz) which is having repository access to commit but DO NOT have fisheye/crucible account.will they able to get updates on code review activity/comments by reviewer ? If possible than how ?


Thank you!


Chintan Thakar

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Grzegorz Lewandowski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 8, 2016

Hi, you can share review/changeset/repository via Share button (take a look at Manual Reminders section in this doc page) manually. However, Crucible will send email notifications about Review updates only to Crucible users, you can't tell it to send them automatically to any arbitrary email. 

chintan thakar August 9, 2016

Hi @Grzegorz Lewandowski 

Thank you so much for your suggestion. Do we achive this by writing plugin ? Like whenerver review comment has been added by reviewer/moderator the email notfication will be sent to one group alias email address like . Is there any sample code for this kind of plugin or document. It will be very helpful.

Thank you so much


Grzegorz Lewandowski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 9, 2016

I think this should be possible by writing your own plugin. You'd have to create EventListener which listens to any Event which belongs to  com.atlassian.crucible.event (depending on your needs).

You should be able to send emails from Fisheye&Crucible by using component.


Regarding documentation, there's none directly tailored to your needs but Fisheye&Crucible has general objective tutorial how to write plugins (which contains section about writing EventListeners)


You can find it here 


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